It takes a long time to get Around the World…

3 weeks ago, I was tagged by the fabulous Lucy over at Lucymade to take place in the Around the World Blog Hop. I assured her I was up for it, even with all the health and house woes of late- and then I fell and sprained my ankle! A lame excuse, ha ha, but true. It took me til today to sit down and write this post, in part because of the ankle and general busyness, and in part because I was worried about what I would say to you all about myself… Meanwhile, here I am earlier this week, up in Vail, wearing the shawl I knit while in bed after the gallbladder removal.



What am I working on?

Of course, as anyone who’s been by this blog knows, I’m plugging away at my Tula Pink City Sampler. I’m past block #80 now, and hoping to finish all 100 before December. I also recently committed to make 4 baby quilts for teachers at my daughter’s school. 1 top done, 1 in progress, fabric pulled for one, and the last one not started at all.

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And oh yeah, 2 more baby quilts for friends. So it appears I might be finishing out 2014 with nothing but baby quilts! (In between projects, I am plugging away on my scrappy trip along blocks, too.)

And I’m always knitting something. Since my surgery, I’ve been on a shawl kick. I’ve finished 3 since August and am on my 4th. I also recently finished a pair of fingerless mitts for my husband. And I assume I’ll move back to socks soon.

How does my work differ from other of its genre?

I thought long and hard about this one. I have trouble even deciding what genre I fit into. I don’t know that I fit “modern”, but I’m sure I’m not traditional. Contemporary? Why not… What makes me me is my use of color, and the fact that I’m not tied down by modern rules. I still use batiks, dammit. I love them. And it’s very, very rare that you’ll catch me making a quilt from all one line of fabric. I went through a brief phase of that a few years ago, but it really wasn’t for me. Picking out my own combos, like in my Catvent quilt, is what makes me happy. Colorful, unfussy quilts full of fun patterns- that’s me.


Why do I write what I do?

Partly, to chronicle my work for myself. Partly, to get feedback from other quilters. Partly, to make new friends. I have realized I am not a deep thinker who’s going to write posts that change the quilting world. And I’m okay with that 🙂 Sharing my work, and my not so deep thoughts, and making friends long the way is more than enough for me.

In fact- last week, Audrey from Hot Pink Quilts was in town, and I got to meet hit in real life, and we had a fabulous night of tiki cocktails, fabric shopping, and artisan donuts… What more could I ask for?


How does my writing/creative process work?

Not very well.

I have found that if I set myself a schedule with goals and deadlines, I am more likely to keep my butt in gear. That’s why I try to do a Tula Tuesday post every week- knowing I’ve committed to that motivates me to sew even if I’m tired or too busy. Likewise, taking part in linkups like WIP Wednesday, etc., gives me a reason to sew AND take pics, and post… But if I get derailed, I find it hard to get back up on the horse. I’ve taken several longish breaks over the years.

When it comes to my design process, it’s kind of a mess. I don’t generally have the kind of brain that comes up with totally original ideas. Instead, I see something I like, be it a full pattern, a block, or a tutorial, and I try to put my own spin on it. I often get stuck in the initial phase of a project- I have a tendency to overthink things. I have worked in several places that use the Strengths method from “Now Discover Your Strengths.” It’s a cool management tool that focuses on using what you do well naturally to accomplish your goals, as opposed to trying to force yourself to work in ways that don’t come naturally. Unfortunately, all my strengths are the “stuck in your head” types- input, intellection, etc. The kind that make you want to do loads of research but put off a decision forever. The same can happen to me when sewing. Pinterest and Ravelry are especially dangerous for someone like me!


PS I’m supposed to tag someone, but I feel like everyone may have done this already?? Please feel free to tag yourself- and let me know if you do!!


Filed under Quilts

15 responses to “It takes a long time to get Around the World…

  1. I’m not a deep thinker whose going to change the quilting (or knitting world either) but I have appreciated getting to know you through your blog and hope that we can also meet up in person one day.

    Standing invitation to come visit PNG 😀

  2. “I still use batiks, dammit.” I love it!!!!

    • I love the bold, saturated colors you can really on get in batiks. In fact, as I type, I’m sitting in bed under a quilt made from a Denyse Schmidt pattern, in purple batiks… best of both worlds. -Sam

  3. Cher

    catching up on reading emails…good for you to fit this post in and kudos for finding a way to keep yourself posting and quilting and making progress!
    It is always fun to see what you are working on and you do get a lot done!

  4. I blog for the exact same reasons as you – and because I don’t have any crafty friends in real life so it’s great to get feedback from other crafty folk.

  5. ellen

    I love having such creative and talented friends! You inspire me to quilt and sew… when I have the time, that is.

    • Let’s get you settled into that new job- and THEN you can quilt 😉 Hopes it’s going wonderfully. Looking forward to seeing your next batch of blocks. BTW our summer block party was officially the last party ever on my patio furniture before the hail claimed it all 😦


  6. I’m starting to notice through reading these posts that most of us don’t seem to think of ourselves as modern quilters!

    How fun that you met Audrey!!

  7. Sam, you were speaking to me when you wrote this post I swear! Thanks for participating in the blog hop and sharing a little more about yourself.

I love to find new friends through this blog, and I try to reply to all comments as soon as possible... I hope you'll consider leaving one!